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Doctors & Staff


Dr. Mark Sorrentino

Dr. Sorrentino attended St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where he received a BS in Biology. He later graduated from New England College of Optometry in 1991. While in graduate school, Dr. Sorrentino traveled overseas to Germany where he did a rotation at the Augsburg Army Base. After receiving his doctorate degree, Dr. Sorrentino returned back to Buffalo where he started his career working for Dr. Norman Young. Dr. Sorrentino took over his practice in 2000 and has been running as a private practice optometrist for 20 years. In addition, Dr. Sorrentino specializes in diabetic exams, glaucoma treatment and contact lens evaluations. Aside from working, Dr. Sorrentino enjoys spending time with his two kids and wife. He spends his free time biking, skiing as well as playing and coaching hockey.

Dr. Carey Murzynski

Dr. Murzynski attended SUNY Geneseo where she received a BS in Biology and additionally studied Human Development. Inspired by her father, who is an optician, she went on to attend SUNY Optometry in New York City, where she earned her O.D. in 2021. During her clinical rotations, she gained extensive experience in pediatric optometry including vision therapy, myopia management, and specialty contact lenses. She was also awarded the Dr. Frederick W. Brock Memorial Award for Outstanding Clinical Performance in Vision Training. Dr. Murzynski is excited to bring pediatric care, including vision therapy and myopia management specialties, to our practice. She is certified to fit orthokeratology and MiSight lenses. In her free time, Carey enjoys bike riding, running, and exploring new restaurants in Buffalo.

Dee Sorrentino – Office Manager

Dee Sorrentino graduated from Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY with a BA in Marketing. After college she worked for NEC Computers in Boston and then at Executrain in Buffalo. Coincidentally, she and Dr. Sorrentino were both working in the Brisbane Building when they returned to the area from Boston. In 2004, Dee started working for her husband and currently runs the practice. During her free time, she enjoys cooking, skiing and spending time with her family.

Nicole Chayban – Optician

Bio coming soon!

Jacqueline Gonzalez – Optician

Bio coming soon!

Samantha Sosnowski – Technician; Receptionist; Contact Lens Coordinator

Samantha graduated from D’Youville University in 2020 with an MS in Human Anatomy and a BS in Biology. She currently is working for us as a technician and receptionist. In the future she plans to go to optometry school, but she is currently happy learning more through our office. Sam brings a fun energy to the office and works hard to keep us organized! Despite our best efforts to bring Sam into the Bills Mafia, she prefers to spend her free time going to the movies and playing with her dogs.

Cienna Certo – Technician; Receptionist; Vision Therapy Assistant

Bio coming soon!